Since the discovery of tobacco, innumerable writers, musicians, painters, politicians, directors and actors have all had their names linked to cigars. Toscano cigar with its 200 years of history has been associated with many extraordinary talents and famous personalities; it is a seemingly endless list of names.
Giacomo Casanova, Italian Adventurer and Author
Some authors have written about Toscano cigars, but nobody illustrated more beautifully its presence in the elite society than Giacomo Casanova in his memoir Story of My Life (Histoire de Ma Vie). Since then, there has been continuous praise and tribute to the virtues of Toscano cigars.
Marie-Henri Beyle (known as Stendhal), French Author
The Toscano cigar also appeared at the epic battle of Waterloo in "The Charterhouse of Parma" by Stendhal. Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name Stendhal, was a 19th century French writer. He was part of Napoleon's army and when he came to Italy, he fell in love with the Italian culture, art, and lifestyle. He became a Toscano cigar smoker and wrote: "At the break of the bitter dawn of winter, a Toscano cigar will fortify the soul."
Giovanni Prati, Italian Poet
Antonio Guadagnoli, Italian Poet
In 1855, Giovanni Prati dedicated one of his poems to the object of his desire, Il Sigaro, with an ending: "That all this be you within me, I carry you fraternally; and methinks we shall both go to the grave together." On a less dramatic note and with more humor, Antonio Guadagnoli wrote in his poem: "... and the cigar smoker feels the itch like girls for a husband... And among all the pastimes I certainly find this the most economical and honest."
Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian General and Politician
Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Italy
Toscano cigars are often regarded as the symbol of Italian Unification. Giuseppe Garibaldi, who was the central figure of the Italian Revolution, is an insuperable testimonial to Toscano cigars. He was a regular Toscano cigar smoker, especially during the Expedition of the Thousand. King Vittorio Emanuele II who fought in the battle of San Martino, the bloodiest of all the battles for liberation from the Austrians, was also a Toscano cigar smoker.
Giuseppe Verdi, Italian Romantic Composer
Giacomo Puccini, Italian Opera Composer
Much of the fame of the Toscano cigar is due to its prestigious smokers. Many artists have praised the cigar as an essential source of inspiration, from music to cinema, from literature to journalism. One of these great artists was Giuseppe Verdi who, together with Richard Wagner, was considered the preeminent opera composer of the 19th century. Another fan of the Toscano cigar was Giacomo Puccini, the famed Italian opera composer.
Mario Soldati, Italian Writer and Film Director
Mario Soldati, writer and film director, praises and glorifies the Toscano cigar in many of his writings. He was introduced to the cigar as a young boy, when a priest offered him one after serving mass, giving rise to a love story that never ended. Two other great journalists are also worthy of a mention - Paolo Granzotto and Aldo Santini. Both achieved success in the publishing of literary works. Both enjoyed the Toscano cigar and never lost the opportunity to demonstrate their love in the pages of their newspapers and books.
Sergio Leone, Italian Director, Producer and Screenwriter
Toscano cigar was also adored by Sergio Leone, who paid extraordinary homage to Toscano cigar in his unforgettable Spaghetti Western movies starring Clint Eastwood.
Frank Sinatra, American Singer and Actor
Francis Ford Coppola, American Director, Producer and Screenwriter
Robert De Niro, American Actor, Director and Producer
Rudolph Giuliani, Former Mayor of New York City
Many painters and artists with great names such as Silvestro Lega, Luigi Tommasi, Carlo Levi, De Chirico, Mino Maccari and Scipione made canvases come to life with their works of art and the strong aroma of the Toscano cigar.