Cheroot | Italian Cigar Characteristics

Toscano Uniqueness

Aug 08, 2024


The Toscano cigar is the original Italian cigar manufactured in Tuscany, Italy. It was born as a result of a very long manufacturing process that no other cigar can boast. The Kentucky tobacco, its raw material, undergoes a lot of different treatments which give it a unique taste.

The tobacco leaves, after a careful selection, undergo a fire-curing process in a closed environment filled with oak and beech wood. This stage lasts around two weeks and makes the Kentucky tobacco very distinctive; Dark Fire Cured Tobacco also guarantees good conservation.

The fermentation and aging processes are also of high importance in the making of Toscano cigar. Since 1818, this cigar has totally preserved both its aspect and its manufacturing process.

Toscano cigars are denser compared to Cuban or Cuban-style Caribbean cigars. They maintain an even burn throughout the entire smoking experience. This enables smokers to enjoy all the flavors that the wrapper and filler have to offer.

Criteria Toscano Cuban / Caribbean
Shape Elliptical - thicker midsection with slimmer ends Perfect, evenly rolled body
Structure Wrapper and filler, no binder Wrapper, binder and filer
Physical Texture Dry, obvious veins on wrapper leaf Smooth, sometimes a bit oily on touch
Method of Smoking Cut in half at the center, light the cut surface Smoked whole
Packaging Each cigar in a box is individually wrapped in cellophane No individual wrapping around each cigar in a box

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Kentucky tobacco is the largest tobacco plant in terms of leaf surface, also one of the most difficult tobacco plants to cultivate. 
Since 1818, the production of Toscano cigars has remained substantially the same. The key recipe is: Kentucky tobacco, flame curing, fermentation, and aging.